DIY outdoor hopscotch

We have been working on our kids play area for a couple years now. ( when i say we i mostly mean my wonderful husband) By the time it is complete our kids will probably be too busy for it playing with friends and doing sports haha. But none the less its coming right along!

I saw this DIY hopscotch idea on Pinterest and just knew it had to be apart of our playground! Heres how we did it ( theres that WE again ;) )

  • 10- 12×12 cement pavers- I purchased this at home depot for just a little over a buck a piece
  • Paint- I used exterior spray paint! about $2 a can.
  • Medium sized paint brush which I already had one of the CHEAP-O sponge brushes ( to draw on numbers) 

Lay out plastic, old sheet or spare plywood to keep from having rainbow grass or rocks! I planned out the numbers 1-10 and used the rainbow pattern! ( red, orange,yellow,green,blue,purple.) 

My husband dug down about two inches to set the pavers in so they would not become a tripping hazard! I just free handed the numbers on in white paint that we had left over from the house. I am NOT that fancy and NOT a perfectionist! 

Let them set up to dry and WAH-LAH done! 

Cheap ( about $25 dollars) 
Easy ( About 2 hours ) 


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